Ajeeb Daastaans is a Hindi-language anthology film , consisting of four short film segments directed by Shashank Khaitan , Raj Mehta, Neeraj Ghaywan and Kayoze Irani . The film is produced by Karan Johar and Netflix . Lets find out the good and bad aspects of this flick in CinemaScope Reviews today, Review is written by Ahwaan Padhi and Narrated by Ramesh Chellamani, Do listen and let us know your feedback, Thank You - Team Radio Playback India Through this podcast series, we will provide our audiences latest film reviews written by famous film critiques and narrated by well established pod-casters on every Tuesdays and Fridays आप हमारे इस पॉडकास्ट को इन पॉडकास्ट साईटस पर भी सुन सकते हैं Spotify Amazon music Google Podcasts Apple Podcasts Gaana JioSaavn हम से जुड़ सकते हैं - facebook instagram YouTube To Join the CinemaScope Reviews team, please write to sajeevsarathie@gmail.com...